Alchemy Leveling Guide 1-450 will help you quickly learn the profession to the maximum and craft the best gems and potions.


1. 1-60

2. 60-140

3. 140-210

4. 210-285

5. 285-360

6. 360-450

7. Conclusion

1. 1-60

You can find Alchemy trainers in all fraction cities. Here is trainer in Orgrimmar – Yelmak, Stormwind – Lilyssia Nightbreeze

Required resources:

59 x Peacebloom

59 x Silverleaf

59 x Empty Vial


1 – 60: 59 x Minor Healing Potion

2. 60-140

You can find Alchemy(Journeyman) trainers in all fraction cities. Here is trainer in Orgrimmar – Yelmak, Stormwind – Lilyssia Nightbreeze

Required resources:

50 x Minor Healing Potion

80 x Briarthorn

30 x Bruiseweed

30 x Briarthorn

30 x Leaded Vial


60 – 110: 50 x Lesser Healing Potion

110 – 140: 30 x Healing Potion

3. 140-210

You can find Alchemy(Expert) trainers in all fraction cities. Here is trainer in Orgrimmar – Yelmak, Stormwind – Lilyssia Nightbreeze

Required resources:

15 x Mageroyal

40 x Stranglekelp

15 x Empty Vial

30 x Liferoot

30 x Kingsblood

55 x Leaded Vial

25 x Goldthorn


140 – 155: 15 x Lesser Mana Potion

155 – 185: 30 x Greater Healing Potion

185 – 210: 25 x Elixir of Agility

4. 210-285

You can find Alchemy(Artisan) trainers in all fraction cities. Here is trainer in Orgrimmar – Yelmak, Stormwind – Lilyssia Nightbreeze

Required resources:

5 x Wild Steelbloom

20 x Goldthorn

5 x Leaded Vial

70 x Sungrass

15 x Khadgar’s Whisker

69 x Crystal Vial

4 x Iron Bar

1 x Black Vitriol

4 x Purple Lotus

4 x Firebloom

19 x Arthas’ Tears

40 x Blindweed


210 – 215: 5 x Elixir of Greater Defense

215 – 230: 15 x Superior Healing Potion

230 – 231: 1 x Recipe: Philosopher’s Stone

231 – 250: 19 x Elixir of Detect Undead

250 – 265: 15 x Elixir of Greater Agility

265 – 285: 20 x Superior Mana Potion

5. 285-360

Now you need to go to the Outland. Here are Alchemy(Master) trainers (A) Alchemist Gribble – Hellfire Peninsula, (H) Apothecary Antonivich – Hellfire Peninsula, and Lorokeem – Shattrath City.

Required resources:

61 x Golden Sansam

18 x Mountain Silversage

28 x Crystal Vial

38 x Felweed

53 x Imbued Vial

61 x Dreaming Glory

20 x Ragveil

10 x Netherbloom


285 – 300 18 x Major Healing Potion

300 – 310 10 x Volatile Healing Potion

310 – 325 15 x Elixir of Healing Power

325 – 335 10 x Mad Alchemist’s Potion

335 – 340 5 x Super Healing Potion

340 – 360 23 x Super Mana Potion

6. 360-450

Now you need to go to the Northrend. Here are Alchemy(Grand Master) trainers in Borean Tundra – (A) Falorn Nightwhisper, (H) Arthur Henslowe. Howling Fjord – (A) Lanolis Dewdrop, (H) Wilhelmina Renel. Dalaran – Linzy Blackbolt.

Required resources:

10 x Talandra’s Rose

61 x Imbued Vial

56 x Goldclover

41 x Tiger Lily

5 x Pygmy Suckerfish

10 x Talandra’s Rose

24 x Adder’s Tongue

10 x Icethorn

10 x Lichbloom

10 x Dark Jade

10 x Huge Citrine

10 x Eternal Fire


360 – 365: 5 x Icy Mana Potion

365 – 375: 17 x Spellpower Elixir

375 – 380: 5 x Pygmy Oil

380 – 385: 5 x Potion of Nightmares

385 – 395: 12 x Elixir of Mighty Strength

395 – 405: 12 x Elixir of Mighty Agility
(400) Now you can make Northrend Alchemy Research

405 – 410: 5 x Runic Healing Potion

410 – 425: 20 x Runic Mana Potion

425 – 435: 10 x Earthsiege Diamond

435 – 450: Now you can craft whatever you want and what will be the most profitable for you! And keep doing Northrend Alchemy Research.


Thanks for watching our alchemy guide and now you know how to raise your alchemy level as fast as possible!

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