Cooking Leveling Guide 1-450 will help you quickly learn the profession to the maximum!
1. 1-50
2. 50-150
3. 150-225
4. 225-300
5. 300-350
6. 350-450
7. Conclusion
1. 1 – 50
You can find Cooking(Apprentice) trainers in all fraction cities. Here is trainer in Orgrimmar – Zamja, Stormwind – Stephen Ryback.
Required resources:
60 x Simple Flour
60 x Mild Spices
10 x Stringy Wolf Meat
1 – 40: Spice Bread
40 – 50: Spiced Wolf Meat
2. 50 – 150
Learn Cooking(Journeyman). You need to buy Recipe: Bristle Whisker Catfish from vendors.
Required resources:
90 x Clam Meat
45 x Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish
50 – 110: 90 x Boiled Clams
110 – 150: 45 x Bristle Whisker Catfish
3. 150 – 225
Learn Cooking(Expert). You need to buy Recipe: Mithril Head Trout from vendors.
Required resources:
25 x Raptor Egg
150 – 175: 25 x Curiously Tasty Omelet
175 – 225: 55 x Mithril Head Trout
4. 225 – 300
Learn Cooking(Artisan). You need to buy this recipes from vendors:
Required resources:
25 x Giant Egg
25 x Bear Flank
225 – 250: 25 x Monster Omelet
250 – 275: 25 x Juicy Bear Burger
275 – 300: 25 x Baked Salmon
5. 300 – 350
Now you need to go to the Outland. Here are Cooking(Master) trainers (A) Gaston – Hellfire Peninsula and (H) Baxter – Hellfire Peninsula. You need to buy this recipes from vendors:
Required resources:
28 x Ravager Flesh
35 x Clefthoof Meat
300 – 325: 28 x Ravager Dog
325 – 350: 35 x Roasted Clefthoof
6. 350 – 450
Now you need to go to the Northrend. Here are Cooking(Grand Master) trainers in Borean Tundra – (A) Rollick MacKreel, (H) Orn Tenderhoof. Howling Fjord – (A) Brom Brewbaster, (H) Thomas Kolichio. Dalaran – (A) Katherine Lee, (H) Awilo Lon’gomba
Required resources:
100 x Rhino Meat
350 – 400: 100 x Rhino Dogs
400 – 450: You need to complete daily quest from cooking trainers in dalaran, reward will be Dalaran Cooking Award. You need 3 x awards to buy recipe, then cook anything around 70-80 times that you want from the list below up to 450.
- Spiced Mammoth Treats
- Tracker Snacks
- Spicy Fried Herring
- Blackened Worg Steak
- Spicy Blue Nettlefish
- Critter Bites
- Hearty Rhino
- Blackened Dragonfin
- Cuttlesteak
- Firecracker Salmon
- Poached Northern Sculpin
- Imperial Manta Steak
Thanks for watching our Cooking guide and now you know how to raise your Cooking level as fast as possible!
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